Other Programs

But Wait... There's More

Alongside our camp programs, parties, presentations, and tours, we also offer a variety of additional programming. Read more below!

Archery, Axes, And Ashes

Low Ropes, Team Building and Initiative Course

Low Ropes,
Team Building and Initiative Course

Photography Sessions

Photography Sessions

Kayak Rentals


Alligator Adventure


Reptile Camp Kids Club

Reptile Camp
Kids Club

Volunteering Programs

Volunteering programs

PA Days

PA Days

Frozen Rodent Sales/Feeders

Frozen Rodent

Archery, Axes,
And Ashes

2-hour instructional sessions for outdoor archery and axe throwing! This program is available for ages 6+ and is not restricted to youth! We have had adult groups come out and have a great time! Perfect for a family night out, or company team building sessions!

Our experienced staff will teach you axe throwing and beginner archery using traditional recurve bows. After your 2-hour booking your group can enjoy a camp fire (provided). All the equipment is provided for you! Groups are encouraged to bring their own camp fire meals or refreshments! All participants will be asked be responsible, and will be asked to leave if management determines safety to anyone is at risk.


Low Ropes,
Team Building and Initiative Course

Challenge courses are for all ages and are fun for everyone! Open to private groups of 8 people or more. Team building and challenge courses help you communicate and work together to effectively work out situations for the success of the group! This would be great for classrooms, groups (like scouts, guides and more!), company outings, sports teams and more! If you’re a group of people wanting a fun challenge, this is your opportunity!

All of our elements are close to the ground and do not require equipment (helmets, harnesses and ropes) like high ropes courses do. This is a safe event for everyone of all ages and capabilities.

We have the following elements:

We also have dozens of team building and initiative tasks that do not involve and structures, and just use small pieces of equipment! After your 3 hour session groups are encouraged to stay for a camp fire (included), and bring their own refreshments and camp fire meals!



Come on out and get some WILD photos at our facility!


Bring your own camera. You don’t have to have amazing or expensive equipment to have an enjoyable day and get great shots. ANY camera will do! Even a smart phone or iPad would work well for this event!


$25 person (4 person minimum)

Kayak Rentals

Pick up and drop off at 2101 South Shore Rd in Bonfield.

Option: Drop off and pick up fee in Bonfield at the park, or boat launch $25 (1 time fee, does not matter the amount of kayaks rented).

Rentals come with a paddle, and an emergency kit. Lifejackets are on your own (legally required). We do have a few personal ones here that may be borrowed if needed.


Alligator Adventure

Reptile Camp is now offering our Alligator Adventure Program to families of 6! This is a truly WILD program designed for families to experience all things crocodilian, up close and personal in a safe and controlled manner with a trained professional. You will have the ability to meet and interact with a minimum of 3 species of crocodilians. We will also make sure you get some amazing photos with each of them! The memory of this experience will last a lifetime! This is your chance to get your photo with “Mojo” our 9 ft, 260 lbs American Alligator! You will have the option of getting your feet wet by coming into the water with her! You will also meet 10-15 of our other animal ambassadors! Bring a camera to ensure you get some amazing keepsakes!


$250 for our 90 minute program

Additional people after 6 to a maximum of 8 people are $50 extra per person.

Reptile Camp
Kids Club

Every week holds a new adventure! Staff will teach children about the group of animals each night using live animals as well as a bunch of other teaching tools and objects! Preserved specimens, skulls, skins, x-rays, models, videos, photographs and more really help bring the subjects to life! In total our 16 hour course will include over 50 live animals and a lot of information and fun! Every week kids can expect crafts, games and activities on trend with the evening’s topics! This is North Bay’s WILDEST after school program!

The last week of the program our participants will present a live animal during a reptile show for their families! This is our certificate evening and will be fun based for the entire family!


$160.00 per person

Our 8 sessions are as follows:

Week 1: Insects and Arachnids
Week 2: Amphibians
Week 3: Turtles and Tortoises
Week 4: Crocodillians
Week 5: Lizards
Week 6: Snakes
Week 7: Review, and practice!
Week 8: Kids Reptile Show and pizza party


Reptile Camp allows for the opportunity for volunteers to gain experience working with animals in captivity in a new and exciting way! The following programs book on a first reserved, first served system. Please inquire in advance to get the date and time you prefer.

All Ages, Youth to Adult:

Single Day Animal Care Sessions: $25 for 2 hours. These sessions are a 1 on 1 booking with staff booked according to your schedule. These sessions will focus on only animal care experience (no programming). Students will have the unique opportunity to care for the animals including diets and feeding, watering, enclosure design and maintenance, environmental enrichment, training, handling and more!

High School Aged Individuals:

Summer Camp Day Campers:
$300 for 2 weeks. The student will earn 80+ hours of volunteer service (high school volunteer hours) while committing to 2 day camp sessions. These students will have the opportunity to work with our animals on regular care duties, as well as with our camp and program staff! After the completion of the 2 weeks any additional volunteering opportunities would be free of charge, and can be set up according to your schedule.

Summer Camp Residential Campers:
$1000 for 2 weeks (includes meals). The student will earn 140+ hours of volunteer service (high school volunteer hours) while committing to 2 residential camp sessions. These students will have the opportunity to work with our animals on regular care duties, as well as with our camp and program staff!

Full Semester High School Coops:
No Fee! We accept 1 coop per semester, and 3 during the summer semester. Please inquire for more information.

PA Days

When your kids don’t have school Reptile Adventure Camp has you covered! Reptile Camp is open for single day camp days for all PA Days, holidays or any other days where your school is closed! WE DO NOT RUN ANY MARCH BREAK PROGRAMMING (Look for our Public Educator Internship Program).

Frozen Rodent

Reptile Camp has started offering near wholesale pricing for frozen rodents in the North Bay area. These are ethically sourced, high quality frozen feeders at the most competitive price in Ontario.


  • 10 Pack Fuzzies (3-6g each): $17.00
  • 10 Pack Adult Mice (20-29g each): $22.00


  • 10 Pack Rat Pups (20-24g each): $30.00
  • 10 Pack Small Rats (70-90g each): $38.00
  • 10 Pack Medium Rats (125-150g each): $52.00
  • 10 Pack Large Rats (250-300g each): $55.00
  • 10 Pack Jumbo Rats (325-400g each): $60.00